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- 心血管保健 (保護你的心臟)
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- 抗氧化 (抗癌)
- 抗老化 (延長壽命 - 30%至50%延長)
- 幫助減肥
- 讓你恢復年輕
- 消化道保健
- 提高人體的免疫系統
- 心血管保健 (保護你的心臟)
- 控制膽固醇 (減少LDL - 壞膽固醇)
- 抗氧化 (抗癌)
- 抗老化 (延長壽命 - 30%至50%延長)
- 幫助減肥
- 讓你恢復年輕
RESERVE™ 沛泉菁華是目前市面上含有最多白藜蘆醇成份的保健飲品,特色如下:
- 每包含有 186 毫克白藜蘆醇成份 (相當於186 瓶紅酒的白藜蘆醇含量)
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- 白蘆藜醇讓您延長壽命 15~20 歲
- 消炎功能比阿斯匹靈高 60 倍
- 抗自由基比 OPC 葡萄籽輔酶 Q10 高 40 倍
- 抗氧化能力比維他命 C 高 800 倍
- 增加抗癌治療效果 40 倍,且無副作用
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- 白藜蘆醇能延緩細胞老化,回復年輕奇蹟
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- 花青素有效改善心血管功能
- 必須脂肪酸幫助消化作用
- 提升新陳代謝作用,幫助體重管理
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RESERVE™ 沛泉菁華產品官方網頁:美商婕斯
國際期刊 SCIENCE :證實白藜蘆醇促長壽分子機制
Evidence for a Common Mechanism of SIRT1 Regulation by Allosteric Activators
Basil P-Hubbard, Ana P. Gomes, Han Dai, Jun Li, April W-Case, Thomas Considine, Thomas V-Riera, Jessica E-Lee, Sook Yen E, Dudley W- Lamming, Bradley L-Pentelute, Eli R-Schuman, Linda A-Stevens, Alvin J-Y-Ling, Sean M-Armour, Shaday Michanl, Huizhen Zhao, Yong Jiang, Sharon M-Sweitzer, Charles A-Blum, Jeremy S-Disch, Pui Yee Ng, Konrad T-Howitz, Anabela P-Rolo, Yoshitomo Hamuro, Joel Moss, Robert B- Perni, James L-Ellis, George P-Vlasuk, David A-Sinclair.
A molecule that treats multiple age-related diseases would have a major impact on global health and economics. The SIRT1 deacetylase has drawn attention in this regard as a target for drug design. Yet controversy exists around the mechanism of sirtuin-activating compounds (STACs). We found that specific hydrophobic motifs found in SIRT1 substrates such as PGC-1α and FOXO3a facilitate SIRT1 activation by STACs. A single amino acid in SIRT1, Glu230, located in a structured N-terminal domain, was critical for activation by all previously reported STAC scaffolds and a new class of chemically distinct activators. In primary cells reconstituted with activation-defective SIRT1, the metabolic effects of STACs were blocked. Thus, SIRT1 can be directly activated through an allosteric mechanism common to chemically diverse STACs.